Unique, customized solutions that solve your IT, technology and operations problems.
100% Free Consultation
Email: info@zirrusone.com
Solutions for you
Managed Security Services
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Cybersecurity & BDSR Consulting
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Our Platform Z1N
/ our solutions /
Is your unreliable IT giving you a headache?
Stuck fixing IT problems
Does your team spend more time fixing problems rather than executing a vision for the future?
Can't deploy new tech
Do you need to deploy technology but don't have the time, resources or expertise?
Network issues
Are you considerned with your current network performance?
What happens if...
Are you prepared for a catstrophic technology or IT event?
Questioning security
Are your networks and customer data really secure?
Need a cloud migration
Are you considering a cloud migration?
/ why choose us /
Built by operators for operators
We are Innovative
In how we solve customer problems through technology transformation and process improvements and in how we manage our business. Efficient. Low Opex and Capex. Supportive culture.
We are Agile
In our reaction to change, whether in customer requests or expectations, market shifts or technology advancements. We’re easy to do business with. Nimble and flexible. Responsive. We see change as positive.
We are Competitive
We are motivated and go the extra mile to win business - being different than our competition. We are always challenging ourselves and each other. Not settling for the status quo. We consistently improve how we serve you in providing customized solutions.